Province Announces Funding for BC First Nations Guardians Training

BC First Nations will benefit from new funding being put into a Guardians training program for marine protection.
Shipbreaking in Union Bay: Muddled Jurisdiction and Environmental Risk

50% of BC shellfish comes from the same ocean area where shipbreaking occurs. What can we do about it?
Crab Poachers Fined Over A Quarter Million Dollars

Crab poachers in Boundary Bay were punished by authorities with $287,000 in fines, the seizing of traps, and a two-week fishing ban.
Summer Heat Wave Responsible for Bird Die-Off on BC’s Coast

Scientists are alarmed by the number of seabird deaths linked to the summer heat wave, which has raised ocean temperatures significantly.
Toki the Orca Has Passed Away After Living Most of Her Life in an Aquarium

Toki the orca has passed away after living most of her life in a Florida aquarium. She was captured in the Salish Sea in the 70s.
Kitasoo Xai’Xais and Nuxalk Guardians Now Have Park Ranger Authority

Excellent news: Indigenous coastal guardians have received park ranger authority to manage and monitor their respective territories.
Poacher Fined for $18,000 for Crab Fishing in a Glass Sponge Reef Protected Area

The British Columbia Supreme Court upheld a provincial court decision to fine a man who was caught for crab poaching.
The Great Bear Sea and Why It Needs Defending

Learn about the Great Bear Sea, the threats it faces, and how the Great Bear Sea MPA Network can help restore the health of BC’s coast.
The Significance of the Discovery Island Fish Farms Closure

Scientists are concerned about the risks fish farms pose to wild salmon, including the transfer of diseases.
Protecting the Great Bear Sea for BC’s Economic Prosperity

How will a new network of marine protected areas in the Great Bear Sea result in economic prosperity for local communities?