Study Confirms Marine Protected Areas Boost Fish Populations

A major study assessing California’s Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) has confirmed that when properly designed and enforced, MPAs significantly increase fish populations, particularly among species targeted by fisheries. The findings, published in Conservation Biology, provide important insights as British Columbia is looking to implement its own network of MPAs, called the Great Bear Sea Marine […]

DFO Increases Herring Quota Despite Warnings of Stock Decline

The bureaucrats at Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) have approved an increase in the commercial Pacific herring harvest in the Strait of Georgia (SOG), despite concerns from Saanich Peninsula hereditary chiefs about declining herring stocks and potential impacts on the marine ecosystem. In November 2024, six WSÁNEĆ chiefs called for an immediate moratorium on herring […]

Meet The Anglerfish of British Columbia

British Columbia’s deep waters are home to some of the ocean’s most mysterious and bizarre creatures, including anglerfish. There are many different types of anglerfish, but they all share the defining trait of possessing a bioluminescent lure, with the glow coming from what scientists call “borrowed” bioluminescence. The bioluminescence is borrowed because tiny glowing bacteria […]

Telegraph Cove Fire: Community Looks to Restore Vital Economic Engine

On December 31, 2024, a fire tore through Telegraph Cove, a historic village on northern Vancouver Island, destroying key landmarks and disrupting the regional economy. Despite having just 20 year-round residents, Telegraph Cove is a powerhouse of sustainable tourism, drawing 120,000 visitors annually. The village’s boardwalk, heritage buildings, and Whale Interpretive Centre made it a […]

Millions of Seabirds Lost to Record-Breaking Heat Wave

A single marine heatwave between 2014 and 2016, known as “The Blob,” wiped out an estimated four million common murres on the West Coast. This catastrophic event, triggered by record-high ocean temperatures, is described as the largest wildlife mortality event of its kind in modern history. The findings, published Thursday in Science, highlight how the […]

Major Diesel Spill at BC Fish Farm Leads to Clam Harvest Closure, Sparks Cleanup Challenges

A significant diesel spill of 8,000 litres occurred at Grieg Seafood’s Lutes Creek open-net pen salmon farm near Zeballos on Saturday, marking an incident eight times larger than Cermaq’s 2017 Echo Bay spill. Grieg Seafood, a Norwegian aquaculture giant, attributed the spill to “human error” during fuel transfer operations when a pump was not properly […]

Illegal Shark Finning Still Occurring in the North Pacific

The illegal practice of shark finning continues to occur in the North Pacific. Experts say it is a key factor in dwindling shark populations. This fall, an international task force, including Fisheries and Oceans Canada officers, set out to combat illegal fishing in international waters. They boarded 15 fishing vessels and found illegal activity that […]

Southern Resident Orcas Revive Salmon Hat Trend From the Eighties

The demure “salmon hat” fashion trend has been revived by a southern resident killer whale in Puget Sound. On October 25th, researchers spotted at least one southern resident wearing a deceased salmon on its head as it swam. The orca also appeared to be snacking leisurely on its salmon hat. First observed in 1987, the […]