What is Blue Carbon?

Blue carbon refers to the carbon dioxide (CO2) captured and stored in marine ecosystems, such as salt marshes, seagrasses and kelp forests. These ecosystems capture and store atmospheric carbon in their organic material, making them crucial in mitigating climate change. In Canada, blue carbon ecosystems play a significant role in carbon sequestration and offer many […]

Humpback Whales

The benefits of the Great Bear Sea MPA Network are virtually endless, from protecting coastal habitats to supporting healthy ecosytems resulting in an increase in fish size, abundance, and biomass.

What is Bottom Trawling?

Bottom trawling involves dragging massive nets across the ocean floor with no regard for the significant damage that is caused.

CANFISCO and BC’s Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ) System

Canfisco wearhouse

The ITQ system has had a negative impact on owner-operated small boats. It has become increasingly common for owner-operators not to be able to afford quota. The result is an industry that should be community-based but is instead under the control of corporations.