Will BC Fisheries Move To An Owner-Operator Licencing System?

A commercial fishing boat named "Savoy" on the water

British Columbia’s licencing and quota system for fisheries could soon be seeing much needed reforms. The BC government has announced its intentions to work with the federal government to transition the province’s individual transferable quota (ITQ) system to an owner-operator system.

What are the Harms of Midwater Trawling?

Fishermen with fishing nets

Midwater trawling nets can be the size of several football fields. They are designed to open wide and scoop up vast quantities of herring, hake, salmon, and other target species.

BC’s Orca

An orca spyhopping during the sunset in waters off BC's coast.

BC’s marine ecosystem is home to hundreds of orcas-creatures so intelligent, social, and visually stunning that they have inspired legends among First Nations and fear in early settlers, and now attracted legions of fans.