Behemoth Japanese Whaling Ship Begins Its First Voyage

Japan has launched a new $47 million whaling vessel, the Kangei Maru, fueling concerns of whaling in the Southern Ocean.
Stranded Orca Calf Escapes from Zeballos Lagoon

The young orca trapped in the Zeballos lagoon has finally escaped after more than a month of being stranded.
Coral Bleaching-Linked Parasite Found in BC

Researchers from the University of British Columbia’s Keeling Lab have found parasites linked to coral bleaching in tropical regions in BC’s waters.
Call to Report All Sea Turtle Sightings in British Columbia

Lisa Spaven, a scientist at Fisheries and Oceans Canada, is urging the public to report any further sightings of turtles in BC.
Renewed Rescue Efforts for Stranded Orca Calf in British Columbia

Following failed attempts to coax the stranded orca calf Brave Little Hunter out of the Zeballos lagoon, rescuers are returning with with more boats, equipment, and people.
Veteran Orca Rescuer on Zeballos Rescue Effort: “Build Rapport”

Rescuers attempting to capture and rehome the orca stranded in Zeballos lagoon must build rapport with the orca.
Haida Gwaii Title Recognized

The Haida Nation’s journey to formal legal recognition of their Aboriginal title by the BC government has culminated in a historic agreement signed two decades after the Haida initiated legal actions.
Rescue Effort to Save Orphaned Orca Paused in Zeballos as Officials Regroup

Expert team has been working nonstop to safely remove her from the lagoon back into the ocean.
Vancouver Island Humpbacks to Star in BBC’s ‘Planet Earth III’ Series

Whale researcher Jackie Hildering spoke to us about working with the iconic show ahead of the episode’s premiere.
Vancouver Island ship-breaking site hit with stop-pollution order

BC trawlers caught and discarded over 28,000 salmon in the 2022-2023 season, almost 93% (26,000) of them being Chinook salmon.