New Population of Shark-Bitten, Sperm Whale-Hunting Orcas Found by BC Researchers

New UBC study is tracking the unknown open-ocean orcas going after large predators.
BC Rescue Team Using AI to Save Orphaned Orca in Race Against the Clock

We spoke with one of the rescuers working non-stop to try and save the calf after the death of its mother.
Unlocking Ocean Wealth: New Study Finds That Marine Protected Areas Boost Fisheries and Eco-Tourism

A new study has found that marine protected areas are key to boosting fisheries’ success and growing ecotourism opportunities.
Rescuers Try In Vain To Save Stranded Orca Mom

Mother died apparently from drowning after beached on the Zeballos Causeway.
Recently Discovered Rare Coral Reef on BC’s Central Coast is Now Protected

Lophelia reef in the Finlayson Channel is the only live coral reef in Canada’s Pacific.
Graphic New Report Reveals How BC Fish Farms Threaten and Kill Wildlife

Disturbing images from salmon advocates document widespread harm in marine ecosystem.
The Importance of Herring for The Great Bear Sea

Herring are the most important keystone fish in the Great Bear Sea. They are critical food for many creatures who inhabit the coast.
Coast Guard Sends Warning with Record Fines for Neglected Boats in Coastal BC

The owner of an abandoned boat in Haida Gwaii faces a $12,000 fine after ignoring warnings.
How Marine Protected Areas Benefit Fisheries

MPAs present a science-backed solution that promises not only to protect marine biodiversity but also to enhance the productivity and sustainability of fisheries.
The Great Bear Sea Marine Protected Area (MPA) Network

The benefits of the Great Bear Sea MPA Network are virtually endless, from protecting coastal habitats to supporting healthy ecosytems.