Study Raises Alarm on Carbon Emissions from Bottom Trawling in Oceans

Did you know that bottom trawling can result in as many carbon emissions as the aviation industry per year?
BC Option A Trawlers Threw Out Over 20,000 Chinook As Bycatch Waste in 2023

BC trawlers caught and discarded over 28,000 salmon in the 2022-2023 season, almost 93% (26,000) of them being Chinook salmon.
Clearing the Path for Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas

Canadian governments’ approval of resource extraction projects within Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) poses challenges.
BC Trawlers Caught and Discarded Over 28,000 Salmon As Bycatch in 2023

BC trawlers caught and discarded over 28,000 salmon in the 2022-2023 season, almost 93% (26,000) of them being Chinook salmon.
Spotted Ratfish

The spotted ratfish may be an elusive creature, but its importance in the marine ecosystem cannot be underestimated.
Marine Protected Areas are a Lifeline for BC’s Fish Stocks: Dr. Daniel Pauly

UBC Marine Scientist Dr. Daniel Pauly urges support for MPAs to enhance marine resilience and prevent a potential collapse of BC fish stocks.
$60 Million Boost: BC Government Backs Indigenous-Led Stewardship of the Great Bear Sea

Indigenous stewardship in BC is about to get a $60 million boost from the province to protect marine life and sustain coastal economies.
Salmon Farms Killed 817,000 Herring in Canada in One Year

If BC’s fish farms are supposed to be closing, why are hundreds of thousands of wild fish still dying in farms?
Basket Stars

Basket stars are not just a marvel of marine biology, but also a testament to the incredible diversity of life beneath the waves.
BC Residents Stand United for the Marine Economy

BC residents are united in their opinion that conservation is key to protecting the marine economy.