$60 Million Boost: BC Government Backs Indigenous-Led Stewardship of the Great Bear Sea
Indigenous stewardship in BC is about to get a $60 million boost from the province to protect marine life and sustain coastal economies.
Salmon Farms Killed 817,000 Herring in Canada in One Year
If BC’s fish farms are supposed to be closing, why are hundreds of thousands of wild fish still dying in farms?
Basket Stars
Basket stars are not just a marvel of marine biology, but also a testament to the incredible diversity of life beneath the waves.
BC Residents Stand United for the Marine Economy
BC residents are united in their opinion that conservation is key to protecting the marine economy.
Will the Ksi Lisims Fracked LNG Project Benefit or Harm Local Communities?
The Ksi Lisims LNG project is in the hot seat as local communities have expressed wishes for the project not to go ahead.
The Douglas Channel
The Douglas Channel, nestled in the central coast of BC, is one of the most unique and diverse ecosystems of the province.
The Future of Our Coast: British Columbians Rally Around Marine Protected Areas
93% of British Columbians view marine conservation as a key pillar for the development and sustainability of the province’s coastal economy.
40,000 Hectares of Indigenous Territory Near Port McNeil is Now a Protected Area
40,000 hectares of Kwikwasuti’nuxw Haxwa’mis ancestral land have been declared an Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area.
Race Against the Clock: 30-Fold Increase in Whale Deaths is on the Horizon for the Douglas Channel
The number of whale deathes in the Douglas Channel could increase by 30 times once the LNG facility near Kitimat is completed.
Hooded Nudibranchs
The hooded nudibranch, or Melibe leonina, is an enchanting creature that calls BC’s waters home and plays a critical role in maintaining biodiversity.