Major Diesel Spill at BC Fish Farm Leads to Clam Harvest Closure, Sparks Cleanup Challenges
A significant diesel spill of 8,000 litres occurred at Grieg Seafood’s Lutes Creek open-net pen salmon farm near Zeballos on Saturday, marking an incident eight times larger than Cermaq’s 2017 Echo Bay spill. Grieg Seafood, a Norwegian aquaculture giant, attributed the spill to “human error” during fuel transfer operations when a pump was not properly […]
Canada’s Draft Plan to Phase Out Open-Net Salmon Farms Arrives Seven Weeks Late
The Federal government’s draft plan for transitioning open-net pen salmon farms out of BC has finally arrived, seven weeks after the initial due date. The new draft plan outlines the government’s vision for how it plans to support the fish farm industry’s move to land-based farming, which is seen as a much more sustainable alternative. […]
Scottish Salmon Farm Accused of Dumping Dead Fish Ahead of Inspection
A Scottish salmon farm removed tonnes of dead fish from its pens before inspectors were scheduled to arrive.
To Save Wild Salmon Norway Restricts Recreational Fishing
With Norway’s wild salmon endangered fishing is reduced, as scientists warn of disease and parasites spreading to wild fish from fish farms.
Feds Break 2019 Promise to End All Open-Pen BC Salmon Farms by 2025 By Extending Licenses to 2029
A transition plan for the future of open-net salmon farming in BC appears to be coming together, though it does involve the renewal of existing fish farm licenses.
DFO at a Crossroads: The Future of Fish Farms in BC
As the end of June draws closer, marking the expiration of the remaining 66 fish farm licences across BC, communities, advocates for wild fish recovery, and the aquaculture industry are all waiting with bated breath to see what the BC government will do.
Alliance Calls on Feds to Honour Promise to Phase Out Open-Net Fish Farms in BC by 2025
A diverse group comprising of Indigenous, commercial, sports fishers, tourism businesses, scientists, and NGOs has united to urge Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to fulfill his 2019 campaign promise to transition BC away from open-net fish pens by 2025.
Graphic New Report Reveals How BC Fish Farms Threaten and Kill Wildlife
Disturbing images from salmon advocates document widespread harm in marine ecosystem.
Why is DFO Considering Extending BC Fish Farm Licences When Feds Promised Transition Plan by 2025?
New proposal to expand licences from two to six years has many concerned about the future of wild salmon.
Salmon Farms Killed 817,000 Herring in Canada in One Year
If BC’s fish farms are supposed to be closing, why are hundreds of thousands of wild fish still dying in farms?