Hooded Nudibranchs

The hooded nudibranch, or Melibe leonina, is an enchanting creature that calls BC’s waters home and plays a critical role in maintaining biodiversity.
Summer Heat Wave Responsible for Bird Die-Off on BC’s Coast

Scientists are alarmed by the number of seabird deaths linked to the summer heat wave, which has raised ocean temperatures significantly.
Toki the Orca Has Passed Away After Living Most of Her Life in an Aquarium

Toki the orca has passed away after living most of her life in a Florida aquarium. She was captured in the Salish Sea in the 70s.
Humpback Whales

The benefits of the Great Bear Sea MPA Network are virtually endless, from protecting coastal habitats to supporting healthy ecosytems resulting in an increase in fish size, abundance, and biomass.
The Rockfish of the Great Bear Sea

Did you know that rockfish can live to be 200 years old and that 37 different species of rockfish live in British Columbia’s coastal waters?
Why is Kelp Important for the Great Bear Coast?

Not only is kelp the home and food source for many marine animals, this plant is also the most efficient carbon absorbing and oxygen producing species on the planet!
Ancient Glass Sponge Reefs

Glass sponge reefs were believed to have become extinct 40 million years ago. However, in 1984, Glen Dennison discovered glass sponge reefs in the depths of Howe Sound while doing research for his book on diving.